Introducing the Tekumah Collection

When I think of what I do when I shoot an image in the Land of Israel, I remember back to the very first time I set foot in Israel.  It was in 1977, at the age of 17, I was here for a full year of study.

Wow, I could not believe I was actually present in the place I had heard about, prayed for, and had invested years of study and learning with a goal to incorporate the land into myself.

That sense of wonder has never left me.  Not even after 39 years of living in Israel.

Traveling around the country and landing in a location that is new to me instantly gives me a feeling of enchantment.

When I revisit a site, I feel that veneration and amazement, all over again.  I am different. The time of day might be different; and the light and weather conditions vary.  Each one of these factors, births inside me a new appreciation for this place, and a desire to capture it.

The common denominator is WOW.  Yes, it still is that sense of awe and the drive to photograph.

I am here, I am a part of this land, its history.  And especially now, after destruction and loss in so many locations, and in so many of us, I want to be part of the rebirth – TEKUMAH.

Tekumah – תקומה

My mission is, literally, to take a moment in time and share its story.

By hanging these prints in your space, I believe you will feel connected to the land. I want your feelings for the land to draw you in to the image.  As you walk past the image, you might want to stop and feel it, its calm, its presence.

In some of these prints we see a scene that is no longer.  The calm, serenity, and wholeness are no longer.  The war has stolen that from us.  But you can treasure what was and be part of our collective vision for the future.  By manifesting what we know CAN be, we can open the door for it to happen.  I believe it is possible.  I am working towards that.

I see it as a testimony to our ongoing connection to the land and to our hope for its future.

Boat in Sea


Boat in Sea

When strolling along the border between Tel Aviv and Old Jaffa (Yaffo) close to sunset, I noticed the boat and the fisherman framed by 2 more stationary objects in the sea – while a wild wave presents itself in the foreground.  As a lover of the sea, there is almost no scene that doesn’t move me.  These silhouetted fishermen and their sense of freedom and abandon especially moved me.

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Snow and Light


Snow and Light

After moving from the windy city of Chicago and growing up with way below zero wind chill temperatures, I thought the cold wouldn’t bother me.  Living in Gush Etzion, the cold does bother me, BUT, on the other hand, once in a while I am presented with the rare opportunity of those of us living in Isreal of experiencing snow!  I brave the cold and I go out early to capture the clean carpets of white.  This image presented itself at the very early morning of my walk – keeping my hands warm until I had to press the shutter.  The mysterious glow with the reflection and the snow is still intriguing.

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Tree In The Fields Of Wheat


Tree in the fields of wheat

Many lightyears or so if feels before October 7, 2023, we drove down south to Kibbutz Beeri to do a bike ride.  The paths are well laid out and the surrounding scenery is pastoral and peaceful.  The image took on far more meaning after October 7, and I actually used it as part of a dust jacket for my fine art book, which was published after October.  This series, “Tekumah,” is part of my own personal hope, prayer, and vision for the rebirth of the desecrated land, and the renewal, once again, of our people who were destroyed and suffered so much.

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Waterfall at Ein Gedi


Waterfall at Ein Gedi

I love water.  And that love is multiplied manifold when I arrive at a waterfall. This waterfall is one of the most visited and famous ones in Israel. It is in the nature reserve called Ein Gedi and is also known as Nachal David.  The contrast of the texture of the rock formations with the softness of the smooth falling water penetrated so deeply within me, that I chose it to be the cover of the internationally, best- selling, Land of Isreal Birkon.  It feels like a trademark of mine and, if that is so, then it is very appropriate that it is one that includes water.

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Herodion and the Judean Desert


Herodion and the Judean Desert

The vast desert scene is extra alluring with the majestic mountain – Herodion – named for King Herod who built it. It always amazes me to think that this was man-made.  I have photographed Herodion from so many different angles and in different lighting conditions.  Something about the convergence of light and angle here drew me in.

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Sunrise on the Sea of Galilee (the Kinneret)


Sunrise on the Sea of Galilee (the Kinneret)

A major dilemma I face is early in the morning.  I am a runner.  I get up very early to get my workout in, 6 days a week.  When I go out and see a beautiful scene draped with beautiful light I am tempted to run back and get my camera.  But, then, what happens with my workout.  Sometimes I have to make a choice. Or, the best situation is when I can get up extra early – get my run in and then get right back to shoot.  That is what happened here on a family vacation in a town called Migdal, just north of Tiberias.  The sunrise was magnificent and the sea teamed up with the sun to help me capture this majesty.

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On a serious hike up the mountain (secret story location!) my husband brought his colorful tallit to daven (pray). In addition to the magnificent view, that day was Rosh Chodesh – the first day of the new month.  The vision and the hope for a good future took on greater meaning, especially as we felt we were touching the heavens.

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Ginnosar Bridge on the Sea of Galilee (the Kinneret)


Ginnosar bridge on the Sea of Galilee (the Kinneret)

As much as I love water, I also love bridges.  Bridges often come together with water! Just north of Tiberias is a Kibbutz called Ginnosar.  On our trips up north, I often take my camera to this exact spot.  I was blessed with a dramatic sky, as the coastal rocks lead us to the bridge, the bridge leads us to the horizon and the mountains in the distance.  We can almost touch it by connecting one to the other.

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Quiet Shore


Quiet Shore

The sea view at the shores in Herzliya evoke a sense of calm – the diminutive human and boat figures in the distance help me understand that the beauty of the creation and nature is shared by all.  And we can enjoy that beauty.

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Vineyards Gush Etzion at Sunset


Vineyards Gush Etzion at sunset

Growing up in Chicago instilled in me a great love for the water, as I headed out to the shores of Lake Michigan on my runs and on my bike.  Often.  Moving to Isreal and settling in the Judean Hills (Efrat in Gush Etzion) was a big change.  Almost nowhere was flat!! And I had never really seen vineyards.  Here, a few meters from my home and for many meters beyond, I could stroll in a variety of vineyards.  I could shoot them from far, or I could shoot them from within, just like I did in this shot.

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Fisherman with Net in Akko


Fisherman with net in Akko

The sea captivates me.  The fishermen who work at the sea intrigue me.  The port city of Akko has also been the victim of rockets in this recent war – yet the people go on living.  The sea pulses on with its waves and the human connection of its fishermen.  I had never seen this form of fishing with the net (and not a fishing rod) until I visited Akko.  Now I see it more and more!

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The Mediterranean Sea from Above


The Mediterranean Sea from Above

We arrived at our hotel in Tel Aviv for a conference and the first thing I did, and always do, is go to the window and look at the sea.  This is exactly what I saw.  The calm sea, the 3 boats and the color blue.  The palpable calm grabbed me.  At this specific time, while we are STILL in the midst of the October 7 war, I decided to hang this image over the table where I light my shabbat candles.  Each Friday I look at it.  It just speaks to me and says, “take a breath and relax.”  I also walk by it so many times in my day, and I try to say and feel the same thing: “take a breath and relax.”

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The Lone Sailboat


The Lone Sailboat

The water and the sun reflecting on the tips of the small waves – all leading us to one lone sailboat. As peaceful and calm as I felt, I imagined that the sailor on the boat felt total serenity and quiet.

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Judean Desert With Rainbow


Judean desert with rainbow

These images of the Judean Desert near Kfar Adumim can be purchased individually or as a set.  There is no feeling exactly like catching a rainbow with nothing in the way – just the vast creation before us.  A vision of calm, peace, and hope.  The rainbow is a sign of the covenant from Gd that He will no longer destroy our world.  May there be no more destruction, loss, or pain.

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Judean desert with rainbow

These images of the Judean Desert near Kfar Adumim can be purchased individually or as a set.  There is no feeling exactly like catching a rainbow with nothing in the way – just the vast creation before us.  A vision of calm, peace, and hope.  The rainbow is a sign of the covenant from Gd that He will no longer destroy our world.  May there be no more destruction, loss, or pain.

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The Ella Valley


The Ella Valley

This series (images can also be purchased individually) was taken in the early hours of the morning in the Ella Valley near Adullam.

The Valley of ElahElla Valley, is a long, shallow valley in the Shephelah area of Israel, best known from the Hebrew Bible as the place where David defeated Goliath . Rising up from the valley on its extreme southeast end lies the hilltop ruin Adullam.  This is where I drove one morning – more to catch the mysterious fog and the play of light as the rising sun shone through onto the landscape.  There is so much hidden therein lies the beauty.

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The Ella Valley

This series (images can also be purchased individually) was taken in the early hours of the morning in the Ella Valley near Adullam.

The Valley of ElahElla Valley, is a long, shallow valley in the Shephelah area of Israel, best known from the Hebrew Bible as the place where David defeated Goliath . Rising up from the valley on its extreme southeast end lies the hilltop ruin Adullam.  This is where I drove one morning – more to catch the mysterious fog and the play of light as the rising sun shone through onto the landscape.  There is so much hidden therein lies the beauty.

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The Ella Valley

This series (images can also be purchased individually) was taken in the early hours of the morning in the Ella Valley near Adullam.

The Valley of ElahElla Valley, is a long, shallow valley in the Shephelah area of Israel, best known from the Hebrew Bible as the place where David defeated Goliath . Rising up from the valley on its extreme southeast end lies the hilltop ruin Adullam.  This is where I drove one morning – more to catch the mysterious fog and the play of light as the rising sun shone through onto the landscape.  There is so much hidden therein lies the beauty.

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The Ella Valley

This series (images can also be purchased individually) was taken in the early hours of the morning in the Ella Valley near Adullam.

The Valley of ElahElla Valley, is a long, shallow valley in the Shephelah area of Israel, best known from the Hebrew Bible as the place where David defeated Goliath . Rising up from the valley on its extreme southeast end lies the hilltop ruin Adullam.  This is where I drove one morning – more to catch the mysterious fog and the play of light as the rising sun shone through onto the landscape.  There is so much hidden therein lies the beauty.

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Moshav Amirim


Moshav Amirim

I don’t think there is anyone who doesn’t love the lush green beauty of the Galil (Galilee) region in northern Israel.  What made this journey so special was that I took off time to be with my 3 daughters.  Girl time in nature and far away from home.  It gave us time to reflect and share in a safe and quiet space.  In the aftermath of October 7, these areas, many of which have suffered fires and destruction, I hope to reimplant the growth and development with what was and with what we know, with hard work and determination, what will once again be.

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Moshav Amirim

I don’t think there is anyone who doesn’t love the lush green beauty of the Galil (Galilee) region in northern Israel.  What made this journey so special was that I took off time to be with my 3 daughters.  Girl time in nature and far away from home.  It gave us time to reflect and share in a safe and quiet space.  And, in the aftermath of Oct 7, these areas, many of which have suffered fires and destruction, I hope to reimplant the growth and development with what was and with what we know, with hard work and determination, what will once again be.

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The Judean desert – Nachal Prat


The Judean desert - Nachal Prat

On our drive home from the Galilee, we timed it so we would arrive in the Judean Desert as close to sunset as possible and we even had the rainclouds to dramatize the sky and the sun to flow and filter through the clouds.  The desert is majestic and with the right light it is mesmerizing. Images available as a series or can be purchased individually.

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The Judean desert - Nachal Prat

On our drive home from the Galilee, we timed it so we would arrive in the Judean Desert as close to sunset as possible and we even had the rainclouds to dramatize the sky and the sun to flow and filter through the clouds.  The desert is majestic and with the right light it is mesmerizing. Images available as a series or can be purchased individually.

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The Judean desert - Nachal Prat

On our drive home from the Galilee, we timed it so we would arrive in the Judean Desert as close to sunset as possible and we even had the rainclouds to dramatize the sky and the sun to flow and filter through the clouds.  The desert is majestic and with the right light it is mesmerizing. Images available as a series or can be purchased individually.

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Derech Avot – the Path of our Patriarchs


Derech Avot – the path of our Patriarchs

Available as individual prints or as a set of 2 or as a diptych

The western side of Gush Etzion is covered in paths and vineyards that  have been named ‘Derech Avot’ – the Path of our Patriarchs, because we believe that our forefathers and foremothers walked this way towards Jerusalem.

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Derech Avot – the path of our Patriarchs

Available as individual prints or as a set of 2 or as a diptych

The western side of Gush Etzion is covered in paths and vineyards that  have been named ‘Derech Avot’ – the Path of our Patriarchs, because we believe that our forefathers and foremothers walked this way towards Jerusalem.

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The Land of Israel Birkon/Bencher

The production of the Land of Israel Birkon was a labor of great love and effort.  It is a collection of photographs from all over the Land of Israel with traditional texts for Shabbat (Sabbath) rituals, liturgy and songs, as well as Grace after Meals and much more.  The Grace after Meals has also been transliterated.​

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